
At Kid’n Around our sustainability journey is well underway and we have a high focus on reducing, reusing and recycling both with the children and in our own operations.

We plant seasonal produce in our vegetable and herb gardens which we use at the centre or offer to families at the service.

We have two large water tanks which are connected to our toilets, gardening hoses and washing machine.

We have also recently installed solar panels on our roof which offsets the emissions generated by the centre, particularly the air conditioning and heating.

“Climate Change will directly affect the lives of young children, both now and in the future. It would be irresponsible for us not to share this information with children, to give them the opportunity to learn how their actions impact on the health of the planet. This knowledge will enable children to learn how to be a part of the climate change solution and teaches them that they can make a difference”

We encourage the children to be environmental responsible in all that that they do. At lunch time the children are given bins to dispose of their waste appropriately.

In the children’s bathrooms we encourage children to use one squirt of soap, one disposable paper towel and to be water wise.

A compost bin and worm form have been setup to process the daily green waste from the centre. We use the worm wee to fertilise our plants.

Indoors and outdoors we strive to provide natural play spaces which educate the children about our planet through play and discovery.